Performing a Simple Search

When you click the Search tab, you will see the ‘simple’ search field, where you can enter search keywords. A regular search finds all words that share the stem of your keyword: for example, searching for 'colony' will give you results containing 'colonies' as well.

If you want to search for the exact keyword you enter, or to search for more than one keyword as a phrase, click the 'Include only exact matches in results' checkbox that appears beneath the Search box before clicking the Search button. The list of essays and tables relevant to the search keywords is displayed in the right pane. Clicking on the title of an essay or table displays its content.

If you enter multiple keywords, the search attempts to find all the keywords, not one or the other keyword. For more information about special options for your search criteria, see Search Tips.

Once the search is performed, you can save your search criteria to easily access the same search results later, or refine your search results to search for a broader or narrower topic (e.g., to limit your search to tables that contain data for the year 1800).

See also

Performing an Advanced Search