Search Tips

Use the following tips while searching:

To search for term A OR term B:

Enter 'or' or '|' (the ‘pipe’ symbol) between the terms to search for each term. For example, entering "area or population" or "area | population" displays a list of essays and tables that contain either of the terms.

To search for term A AND term B terms in one search field (such as Tables, Essays, or simple search fields):

Enter both search keywords separated by a space (such as “area population”)

The search engine also will interpret the word 'and' or '+' between terms to search for all terms ("area and population", or "area + population")  

This type of search (an ‘and’ search) has fewer results than an 'or/|' search.

To search for a phrase:

Enter the phrase in the search field and then click the 'Include only exact matches in results' checkbox.

Exclude a word match by using a 'not' or '-' next to a word. For example, entering "area not population" or "area - population" displays a list of essays and tables that contain the term 'area', but not the term 'population'.

Note: You may use the following keyboard characters in search terms: plus (+), minus (-), pipe (|), semicolon (;), apostrophe ('), comma (,) and full stop (.).