Downloading a Table

You can download a table in Excel format if you have a full subscription, trial access (Part A only), or pay-per-view access. You can also include the documentation and citations for the table in the download.

To download a table group, see Downloading a Table Group.

To download a table:

On a table, click Download in Excel in the right pane, or click on the Actions drop-down menu to the left and select the Download Table option. This will display the following settings/options in the left pane for downloading a table to your computer in Excel or comma-separated value format.

  1. Select Series: By default, all the series (i.e., typically columns of a table) are selected for downloading. (To deselect series, tick the box next to Deselect All Series, or untick the series you don’t want to export.)

  2. Select the Data Value. The default option is Zs in Download.

A small number of tables have very small numbers (such as 0.00045678910), which will appear as a ‘Z’ in the online table and in the print edition. A majority of Z-values online refer to footnotes (which set a default value for all the Z’s in the entire table or for certain series).    

In other words, not all Z’s that appear online in the tables have alternate values. Selecting Zs in Download will display the letter Z in zero value cells in the downloaded table (as it is displayed online); selecting For Statistical Manipulation will display the actual very small number, where available, instead.

For more information about ‘Z-values’ please refer to zero values in the User Guide.

  1. Select the Export Format. The default option is Excel, or select CSV (comma-separated values).

Note: Downloading an Excel file will save a file to your computer to the directory you specify, with a file extension of ‘.xls’. You should be able to open this file in Excel.

  1. Specific Rows: If you only want to download part of a table, you can select the specific rows you want to download

  2. Include Documentation: Select Yes to include all documentation associated with a table (definitions and other notes about the table and sources) in the download. The documentation for tables is downloaded as an HTML file.

  3. Include Table Citations: Select Yes to download a ‘citation file’ of the table you are downloading.

  4. Citation Formats: When you download a citation for a table, there are 3 formats available:

  5. Statistical manipulation: If you want to use a statistical software package to manipulate your downloaded data, click the checkbox next to ‘I will be importing this table into a statistical software package. (This option will specially format the downloaded file for use with software such as SPSS and SAS.)’.

  6. When you are finished setting the download options, click the Download button.

See also

Downloading a Table Group