Pay-per-view Access

Pay-per-view, a convenient feature offered on the site, allows you to purchase tables and essays for saving, viewing in PDF, downloading, plotting graphs, and emailing to colleagues.

Pay-per-view access lasts for 48 hours from the time your credit-card transaction is approved.

Note: You must be a registered user to purchase pay-per-view access to the essays and tables.

How does Pay-per-view work?

You can click on the Shopping Cart icons [] displayed next to table and essay titles to put items into your shopping cart for purchase.

From the time of purchase, you can do the following for 48 hours:

 When pay-per-view access expires, the item may be repurchased for another 48 hours.

To view Pay-Per-View Tables and Essays:

Pay-Per-View tables and essays are listed under the Favorites tab. You must be logged in to view your pay-per-view items.

Both your active and expired Pay-Per-View tables and essays are listed, so that you can easily repurchase expired tables and essays.