Downloading Essay Citations

If you want to cite an essay from Historical Statistics of the United States in your own work, or if you use bibliographic management software to keep track of works you have consulted while researching, you may find it convenient to download an essay's citation. You need to have full access to an essay (either through a full subscription or pay-per view access) to download its citation; trial access allows you to download citations for essays in Part A only.

To download essay citations:

  1. While you are viewing the essay, click the Essay tab.

  2. Click the Citation link at the top of the left pane. The citation section will display.

  3. Select the desired Citation Format:

    : The RIS format is a widely-used syntax for citation files. With RIS, the bibliographic information in the citation is tagged with a certain set of tags (such as Y1 for the primary publication date). (For more information about RIS, see

    (Text file with no formatting): Text files do not include any delimiters (tags or commas); they include the table citation as it appears online.

    (Comma Separated file in Excel format): With CSV files, the bibliographic data are separated by commas.

  4. Click Download. A confirmation message appears.

  5. Click Save and specify a path to save the essay citation. The essay citation is downloaded to the specified path, in the selected citation format.