Viewing Saved Criteria

To view your Saved Criteria, click the Favorites or Search tab and click on the Saved Criteria link. To learn more about how to save search criteria, see Saving your Search Criteria.

Select a group from the Show Group drop-down menu to view the list of search criteria that have been saved to the group. (You can sort the search criteria by name or date added.)

Reorganizing the search criteria into groups:

As with other Favorites tab features (Saved Data, Custom Tables), you can create topical groups of saved searches.

For example, a group called Williamsburg might hold several saved searches on this city, and a group called Population might contain searches on various aspects of population.

To organize saved criteria:

  1. From the main Search section in the left pane, click the Saved Criteria link and then click the 'Organize saved criteria' link. You can also organize saved criteria by clicking the Favorites tab and clicking the Saved Criteria link

  2. Tick the checkbox(es) next to the items you want to Move, Delete, or Rename and click the appropriate button below.

    1. To move saved criteria to another group, click Move, enter a new group name and click Create Group and Move (or select an existing group and click Move).

    2. To rename the saved criteria or saved criteria groups, click Rename, enter a new name and then click Rename.

Note: You can rename only one set of search criteria at a time.