Emailing Essays

If you want to share an essay with a friend or colleague, you can do so, as long as you have a full subscription, trial access (which allows e-mailing of essays in Part A only), or pay-per-view access. When you e-mail an essay to someone, that person will have access to it for ten days if you have a full or trial subscription; if you have pay-per-view access to the essay, your friend or colleague will have access to it for as long as you do.

To email an essay:

  1. When you are viewing the essay, click the Email Essay link that appears at the top right of the right pane. The emailing section appears.

  2. Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

  3. Enter your Name and Email Address* in the Sender section.

  4. Enter the recipient's Name* and Email Address* in the Recipient section. (To email more than one recipient, add a comma between the names and email addresses.)

  5. To send a copy of the email to yourself, select Yes from the CC Self? drop-down menu.

  6. Type a subject line in the Subject section.

  7. Enter a message to the recipient in the Personal Message section, if desired.

  8. Click Send Message. If the email has been sent, a confirmation message appears; otherwise, you’ll see an error message requesting you to fill in missing fields.